A self-indulgent post about updates and what I'm doing right now.
I've been in sword hell for a little over a year now and, for some reason, I have yet to contribute to the sword population. This is a little strange seeing as I've...
Click here to access, use, and download Touken Ranbu Fatigue Charts and Calculators for Sorties!
So! I've finally made a sortie fatigue calculator--as well as accompanying charts for easy, view-all reference. As a saniwa who really...
Interested in joining sword hell? Whether you're a new, old, or returning saniwa, here's everything you're going to need to know to love, protect, and raise your precious sword boys (whilst kicking Revisionist ass).
Content and...
All images belong to their respective companies and owners. I am in no way, shape, or form affiliated with these businesses unless otherwise described.
If you are an employee of any of the games I have featured and would like something taken down, contact me and I will gladly comply.