Thursday 1 September 2016

You want to play Ensemble Stars?

I'll make a proper intro later.. and add fifty other things I haven't typed up yet (and actually organize this).
I'd suggest you not read the shitfest of a post until then. Sorry!

Wins and losses are not recorded—so go PVP as much as you can! If you’re anything like me, you might be apprehensive about going against other users and endangering your win/loss ratio, especially when you’re not confident in your teams or your luck. (Or maybe that’s just me?) In any case, from what anyone knows, win/loss records are neither shown publicly NOR privately and the numbers you see on the PVP page are computer generated (please correct me if this is incorrect!).

When I first started playing, I didn’t touch my LP unless a miracle happened and I stumbled upon a weaker team than mine. Don’t bother doing something like that. Every win gives you 100 producer points and every loss gives you 50, meaning that you can essentially be making anywhere between 250 producer points to 500 producer points every two-and-a-half hours (a max LP bar). When you’re first starting out and f2p, producer-point gachas will be your mecca. PVP is your friend.

Each PVP win gives you 100 producer points; each loss gives you fifty.
There is no record kept for winning or losing. Go PVP.

Ensemble Stars does not have a friend system. Welp.


If you claim any restorative items during the event (candy, yakisoba pan, or sports drinks), use them before their expiration date. You know what happens when that date passes? Yeah, you guessed it. They expire. They poof from your inventory and vanish without a trace. RIP my two yakisoba pan from the Tetora summer event..

Don’t waste food.
Don’t hoard edibles in your locker.

If you missed an event and you have 15 diamonds on hand, go do its revival event. Revival events happen in the order they originally occurred so you’ll have to wait a bit for it to come back around. You won’t be able to earn diamonds from the rewards list but you can earn them for completing the lesson missions (granted you never completed them before). Keep up with the missions and you’ll earn back the 15 diamonds you spent to play it, and then some.

Revival events are profitable 
if you did not complete their missions the first time around. 

Card Album
Put the cards you won’t use in any lessons, events, or PVPs in your card album to save space. You have a total card inventory of 100. It might not seem like it in the beginning, but it will fill up. The following screenshots will show you how to access your card album and how to remove/add  cards into it.

A tip from a completionist who has a slight OCD about organization AKA Mari’s experience:
Once you start collecting more boys, you’ll eventually find zero need for 1-star cards (unless they’re for your personal blooming/affection collection). If you’re like me, who does like collecting and completing things—but wants to stay organized at the same time—go ahead and store all of your 1-stars in the card album as long as you’re not using them in any teams, like event teams. As you start collecting more 3-star and higher cards, you can eventually start doing the same with your 2-star cards (gradually). This will help lessen the card clutter when going through your on-hand boys for viewing/upgrading/choosing teams. A visual guide of how I started storing my 2-stars without risking my event teams can be found [here] which I will actually add in the link when I get to it.

Idol Road
Pay close attention to the “purchase”/upgrade requirement; spend gems, NOT diamonds. I (thankfully) have not experienced this before but there have been more than a handful of people who have: accidentally spending their hard-earned diamonds instead of gems in Idol Road.
When you don’t have the required amount (or type) of gems to unlock an IR (Idol Road) square, you have the option to forego the requirement at the cost of diamonds. Remember that diamonds (or dias, was some players will shorten them to) are required for any kind of premium/diamond scouting (AKA the real good gachas) and can also be used to restore AP or LP (the latter of which is arguably necessary for tiering/ranking high in events; more on #events). Diamonds are the paid currency in the game and I don’t think you’ll ever come across someone who will tell you to spend your diamonds in IR. Pay close attention to what you’re tapping!

Tip: The confirmation button to spend gems (the ones you should use) will be a yellow colour; the one to spend diamonds will be blue. And have an image of a diamond on it. And a likely ludicrous amount of diamonds required. Stay aware!

Take note of upcoming birthdays! On top of getting a special voice clip and a 2x affection increase (during lessons) for the birthday boy, the celebrant’s gem requirements for their Idol Road are halved! This means you can basically go crazy on the birthday boy’s upgrades without throwing all your gems at him (as quickly). I wouldn’t suggest being so frugal as to only unlock IR squares on a boy’s birthday (I mean, it’s only once a year.. don’t do that) but if their birthday is just around the corner, it might be a good idea to hold off on blooming/unlocking until that day! (If you’re rolling in medium and large gems, do what you want. /hiss)

A tip from a frugal perfectionist who cries at night AKA Mari’s experience:
If you want to bloom/max-IR some boys that you don’t necessarily use just for the fun(?) of it (e.g. 1-star and 2-star versions), remember to pull them out of your card album and upgrade to your heart’s content on their birthday! The cost efficiency slightly decreases the pain of being a completionist.

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